Using Bloki as a collaboration tool

One of Bloki's less obvious but most useful features is the ability to collaborate with coworkers, friends, or family. For example, you could use this to:

·      Have several people review a document and provide feedback (see Annotate a page).

·      Create a to-do list for a project, and have team members use the Strikeout button to cross off tasks as they're completed.

·      Create an intranet where you can post announcements for department or other group members.

·      Use the Bloki blog for ongoing discussions among the group. If you set blog entries private, only members with read permission will be able to see them.

Setting up co-workers, friends, or family so they can collaborate in your Bloki takes just a few seconds. See Add a member and Invite an email list for details.


See also:

·      Email a page: an easy way to ask someone to collaborate on a specific page.

·      Insert a pop-up note: use pop-up notes to communicate with your collaborators while hiding your messages from the general public


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